• Analysis of job ads

    Job advertisement is a great platform for analysing different job categories. It tells us how many jobs are there in the country and how these jobs are distributed. This project quantitatively measures job posts in every state and cities where the job seekers may go. It gives an idea about the places where the companies should focus on the future.

  • Boston crime prediction

    I have done an analysis on the boston crime data and it can be found here. My current goal is to predict the number of crimes in Boston. I use the same crime data in the previous analysis.

  • Boston crime data analysis

    My goal is to analyse the following questions from crime data in Boston

    1. Is there any time or temperature dependence on crimes?
    2. What is the spatial distribution of different crimes in Boston?
    3. What is the correlation coefficient of the number of different crimes?
  • Ingredients, Recipes and Cuisines

    My project to analyze ingredients, recipes and cuisines. I have four objectives:

    1. Can we classify a cuisine if we know the ingredients?
    2. What are the most popular words in different cuisines?
    3. How the cuisines are correlated each other?
    4. What is the most popular ingredient in the world?
  • Ingredients, Recipes and Cuisines: More figures

    These are the most used words in different cuisines

  • XGBoost multicore installation

    Probably you may have already known how to install multicore xgboost using clang instead of gcc. If someone don’t know that please read on. I have a quad core laptop with High Sierra. When I install xgboost with conda or pip it runs only in one core. I read somewhere that conda installation will not be doing multicore processing. So I tried the source installation as described in the xgboost document

  • Analysing Pedestrians in Melbourne, Austrialia

    Pedestrains in a city on average represent its population increase, the development, tourists etc. In this project I am considering mainly these facts